Emily Carney
World Refugee Day 2023
For World Refugee Day this year, the theme set by UNHCR was: “Hope away from home, a world where refugees are always included.” This campaign for Medical Teams International followed that theme.
The goal was to spread awareness about the global refugee crisis to our donors and online audience.
Work for this campaign included:
Coordinated video collection from two country programs.
Video editing using collected video interviews, photos, and graphic assets.
Designed a "Hope Away from Home" icon to tie posts together.
Created 18 Facebook posts, 18 Instagram posts, 2 Instagram reels/YouTube shorts, 11 Facebook/Instagram stories, 9 LinkedIn posts, and 13 tweets.
Organized a Facebook Live with staff speakers.
Created and sent one World Refugee Day email to donors and stakeholders.
Designed a web landing page and online 6-question quiz about refugees and displaced people.